Alums Take On Community Projects To Recognize MLK Day of Service
St. Pete's Boyd Hill Nature Park and Campbell Park Neighborhood were the focus!

Martin Luther King, Jr. Day is the only federal holiday designated as a National Day of Service. Before the parades and festivities, community service is encouraged to create the communities of Dr. King’s dream. This past January 16th, LSPAA was honored to volunteer in the community in recognition of Dr. King. Two family-friendly morning projects were scheduled and alums answered the call. Class of 2008’s Josette Green led alums on a litter collection journey throughout the Campbell Park community and hosted the crew back at her Campbell Park home for post-project refreshments. The LSPAA team collected 680 pounds of litter. Meanwhile, in Boyd Hill Nature Preserve, alum Helen Huntley led LSPAA alum on the mission to protect the community nature sanctuary from the invasive air potato (Dioscorea bulbifera). The invasive “yam” climbs vertically into tree canopies and has been known to smother trees and other native vegetation, so removing them will help to keep our ecology intact.
Are you ready to revive the spirit of your class project? Contact us to join the committee or serve on a future project.