Class of 2013

Class List
Eric Brust
Bonnie Bush
Daniel Cole
Carey Cox
Matt Dieter
Eric Douthirt
Bryan Eichler
Preston Faykus
Sonja Felton
Carolyn Fries
Steve Girk
Valerie Gliem
Tee Grizzard
Mark Hanks
David Harris
Barbara Higel
Michael Igel
Shameka Jones
Blakemore Kearney
David Kirk
Jesse Landis
Madeline McCarthy
Kimberly Payne
Phil Peyton
Tobin Robeck
Debra Roman
Edward Scott
Aaron Shewood
Todd Smith
Adam Smith
Nathan Stonecipher
Ian Womack
Nicole Ziegler
About the LSPAA Project
"Planting the Seed," focused on PARC’s outdoor areas, created new opportunities for residents, and beautified the property. The class constructed and improved vegetable, flower, and herb gardens; renovated a greenhouse; and improved landscaping and irrigation systems – all of which provided sustainable therapeutic and vocational opportunities for residents, healthy fresh vegetables for PARC group homes, and a sustainable enterprise through the sale of fresh grown herbs and vegetables at the St. Petersburg "Green Thumb Festival" and fresh markets throughout the year.