Class of 2014

Class List
Kristina Alspaw
Robbie Artz
Johnny Bardine
Shaina Bent
Erica Boags
Christopher Burke
Brian Ceras
Bob Crawford
Freddy Cuevas
Karen Davis-Pritchett
Stephen Edinger
Forrest Eleazer
Barbara Grilli
Paul Halle
Tim Hudson
Jason Kotsko
Ginger Lettelleir
Lavah Lowe
Colby Masterson
Kelly Lee McFrederick
Kristen McGettigan
Rachel McNeil
Sarah Miller
Hutch Pinder
Sherry Powell
Marta Przyborowski
Mark Rankin
Katherine Rush
Jennifer Sewell
Amanda Singleton
Amy St. Hart
Karen Swager
Justine Talmadge
Taylor Traviesa
David Vann
Ari Weisberg
Ed Woodward
Nikolas Ziehe
About the LSPAA Project
The class focused on creating indoor and outdoor spaces for families accepted into a newly created family program at St. Vincent de Paul. A playground was constructed in unused space; a family study/entertainment area was refurbished; an outdoor activity and gathering space was created; the entryway was updated; and the dining room was completely remodeled.